Tag Archives: vintage wrestling

Huzzah!!! Presented by El Carnicero​, Olde Wrestling made its return to Mahall’s for a night of rough n’ tumble, elbow smashin’, hip tossin’, rip roarin, slam bang style of wrestling! We had folks both young and old packed in like …

And away we go! Matthew Cross has made his return to Olde Wrestling to defend the World Championship of Professional Wrestling on Mayh 8th! His opposition? One of the strongest specimen’s the world over: The Jollyville Jeeper, Clean.

This contest …

Felino de Rojo has tough competition ahead in the snake oil specialist, Dr. Jake Omen. These two competitors define versatility in the squared circle, so strap in for a rather combustible contest. Can the highflying feline level the slimy tactics …

…And then there was one. Jock Samson is the only moonshiner, bootlegger, rum runner, and gin gunner left! The Legislators of an Anti-Saloon Land have jailed Samson’s fellow fermenters. Now, Judge Hugo Lexington Black is using the Speakeasy Spectacular as …


You heard right folks! Advance tickets are available for our Speakeasy Spectacular on May 8th! Just head on down to Madison Avenue in Lakewood and stop in the Lucha Libre themed Taqueria.

Established by renowned chef, Eric Williams, El Carnicero …

It is with our utmost upset to announce the Bureau of Prohibition has arrested 3 of the 5 wanted men from a recent bounty. Bill and Chuck Taylor and Arik Cannon have all been apprehended for breaking the 18th amendment …
