Tag Archives: pro wrestling

The Old Timey King of Swing and The Old Timer meet at the inaugural Extravaganza of Wrestling Exhibitions. Enjoy rooters!

You can stream and/or download the entire show from:

Smart Mark Video


And remember, our 5th …

After suffering a bodyslam, Judge Hugo Lexington Black claimed he could not walk. Not known for his high moral fiber, many Olde Wrestling fans assumed the Judge was faking the injury in order to bow out of the 1st EVER …

He’s known around the wrestling landscape as the Houdini of the mat, a magician of the squared circle..the one, the only ‘Remarkable’ Billy Roc!

Witness Mr. Roc take on all challengers who doubt his astounding abilities! With a seemingly endless …


Jeff King, the Old Timer, as he’s known across the US territories has one of the most devastating bear hugs. Many men have succumb to the hold and King even speculates he submitted a black bear in Portland on a …
